1 comment / Posted by Amanda Mansell

We’re delighted to be one of the Hatton Garden jewellers taking part in the 'Shine bright like a diamond' Christmas campaign. This is one of many initiatives designed to reintroduce London's historic jewellery quarter as a unique shopping destination! 

Many jewellers are involved in this exciting bus and radio advertising campaign. Look out for the busses, and listen out for the Shine like a Diamond ad on Jazz FM, Heart, Absolute and LBC.

We'd be delighted to chat to you about making a unique Christmas present for someone special in your life.

See more at www.hattongarden.shop


  • Posted On May 16, 2018 by Ronald I bremer

    Previous birthday my mom gifted me a german silver necklace. That was just awesome. When i wear it everyone just look at me when i asked them they told me they look at may necklace. I love my mom for such a lovely gift.

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